Endangered bluefin tuna must not be targeted when fishing

There have been reports of bluefin tuna in the waters around the Isles of Scilly. 

Cllr Andrew Guy, Chairman of the Isles of Scilly IFCA, would like to remind anyone fishing in the area that it is prohibited for commercial or recreational vessels to catch or target Bluefin tuna in the UK. Even if caught as a bycatch, tuna must be returned to the sea, alive and unharmed. Dead bluefin should be reported to the Marine Management Organisation.

Atlantic bluefin tuna is recognised as an endangered species by the WWF and the IUCN Red List.

For more information, please visit the following page: marinedevelopments.blog.gov.uk/2017/09/04/bluefin-tuna-in-uk-waters

Publishing date: 
Tuesday, 28 August, 2018