UPDATE: further information on the Avian Flu Prevention Zone

Following feedback from local keepers of poultry and other captive birds, we have contacted the Animal and Plant Health Agency for clarification on the local response to the Avian Flu Prevention Zone on the Isles of Scilly. A representative from the agency has offered the following advice:

It is inadvisable on welfare grounds to attempt to house geese and ducks for extended periods and so other provisions may need to be made to reduce risk from potential sources of infection. The main disease risk comes from infected wild birds, particularly; wild fowl and water fowl, including seabirds. If it is impractical to house birds (including hens) then people are still required to take reasonable steps to protect their flocks or birds. As a minimum we recommend that feeding stations are protected to their prevent food and water being shared by wild birds. This will minimise the likelihood of infection via an identified risk point.

The key is for owners/keepers to take reasonable steps to protect their flocks or birds from potential sources of infection. Ultimately the welfare of the birds is paramount and nothing should knowingly be done that would seriously impact on their welfare. That doesn’t mean that keepers can ignore the protection zone order. Ideally, chickens would be housed or contained within an enclosure inaccessible to wild bird species, but if this really isn’t possible or practicable then owners should do what they can by arranging feeding stations as described.

If the larger flock owners are complying with the order then they will have minimised the risk to their own flocks and therefore any non-compliance by others would be less likely to create a risk to their flocks.

Something everyone should be aware of is risk represented by the movement of people and vehicles between premises. Infected material adhering to footwear or vehicle tyres for example is a likely source of infection.

If you have any questions about the declaration, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01720 424317 or environmentalhealth@scilly.gov.uk.

Further guidance relating to Avian Influenza is available on Defra's website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu

Publishing date: 
Thursday, 15 December, 2016