Budget consultation 2023/24

Councillors want to hear your views on spending priorities for the coming financial year. We're holding a meeting via conference call which is open to all businesses and residents. The details for the meeting are as follows:

Date: Thursday 9 February 2023
Time: 4.30pm to 5.30pm
Dial into meeting: 020 7660 8305 (phone conference ID: 343 285 001#)

Please understand that this call may have a lot of participants on it, so we ask that anyone dialling in mutes their phone where possible, unless invited to speak. If there are any issues with particular lines, we may need to remove those lines from the call to ensure the meeting can proceed smoothly.

A copy of the presentation slides is attached as a PDF on this webpage. Printed copies are also available for collection from St Mary's Library. 

If you would like to ask a question for consideration at the meeting, please email your question to Councillor Fran Grottick, Lead Member for Finance, Governance, Risk and Performance at frances.grottick@scilly.gov.uk or call 01720 422424. 

Please submit your questions (including your name) by noon on Wednesday 8 February 2023.

If you cannot attend the meeting but still wish to provide feedback based on the presentation slides, please make sure you send this to us no later than noon on Friday 10 February 2023 so that we can consider any comments when finalising the budget.

The budget will be taken to Full Council for approval on 23 February 2023.

Publishing date: 
Wednesday, 1 February, 2023