Off-island waste and recycling: pilot collection round for St Martin's

In February this year, the waste and recycling team consulted all the island communities to discuss emerging ideas and proposals for the improvement of waste management on the Isles of Scilly and to listen to the ideas and feedback from residents and businesses. 

One of the big issues raised by off-island residents was the management of waste on their respective islands. In particular, we were asked if a collection round would be possible and if off-island waste sites could be better managed and operated to prevent them becoming over-filled, unsightly and unmanageable.

In response to feedback, we have worked with James Morton, the waste management contractor on St Martin’s, to develop a waste collection service that will be trialled for at least 3 months. James has proven very innovative and is enthusiastic to implement changes so that we are ready to start the new service on Monday 6 July. If it proves successful then we will explore rolling this out to the islands of Bryher and St Agnes. 

The plan also includes amending the current opening and operating hours at the waste site so that it remains affordable, convenient and accessible to users. The new service will be based around the following times.

Residual Waste Collection: every Monday, starting from Monday 6 July
Waste site opening hours: every Friday between 15.00 and 17.00 for bulky waste acceptance.
The site will be closed to the public as of Friday 3 July. The first opening will be Friday 10 July.

Publishing date: 
Tuesday, 30 June, 2015