The Isles of Scilly Hardship Fund
A hardship fund has been established for anyone living on the Isles of Scilly who is suffering financial hardship as a result of COVID-19.
If you are struggling to buy food or heat your home, or are suffering financial hardship in some other way, please contact one of the Council officers below for a friendly, confidential and unintrusive chat.
Rachel Guy, Housing and Tenant Liaison Officer: 01720 424441 / 07925 360405 or
Jennie Woodcock, Early Help Assistant, Children's Social Care: 01720 424483 or
Any data you provide will be dealt with in a confidential manner and in accordance with our privacy notice.
The Hardship Fund has received financial backing from the Edward McDonald Trust, the Duke of Cornwall’s Benevolent Fund, the Richard Addison Charitable Trust, Cornwall Community Foundation and the Lord Phillimore Charitable Settlement. It has also received generous support from members of the public.
If you would like to donate to the Hardship Fund, you can do so by giving to the Edward McDonald Trust.
There are three ways to donate:
1. online at GoFundMe using the following link (;
2. by bank transfer to the following details (account name: Trustees of E McDonald, sort code: 30-96-56, account no: 00845248); or
3. by posting a cheque made payable to ‘Trustees of E McDonald’ to the following address (Edward McDonald Trust, Town Hall, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0LW).
Gift Aid can be included automatically when donating through GoFundMe. If donating by bank transfer or cheque, however, we would ask that UK taxpayers complete the attached Gift Aid declaration and send it to or to the Town Hall address above.
You can also support the Hardship Fund every time you purchase from Amazon by selecting the Edward McDonald Trust as your chosen charity in AmazonSmile. There is no extra cost to you. Further information about AmazonSmile may be found at the following link (