Postal voting

1. Who can apply to vote by post?
2. How can I apply to vote by post? 
3. I’m unable to provide a consistent signature. Will this prevent me from having a postal vote?
4. For how long does a postal vote last?
5. What should I do if I move house or change my name?
6. Does the postal ballot pack have to be sent to my home address?
7. Do I need photo ID to vote by post?
8. If I want to get a postal vote in time for a forthcoming election, what is the deadline for submitting an application? 
9. When are postal voting packs usually issued?
10. What should I do if my postal vote doesn’t arrive or I’ve spoilt it?
11. What is the deadline for returning my postal vote?
12. Can I hand deliver my postal vote to the council offices or to the polling station?
13. If I have a postal vote, can I still vote in person at the polling station if I want to?
14. How do I change or cancel my postal vote?

1. Who can apply to vote by post?
Anyone who is registered to vote can apply to vote by post.

2. How can I apply to vote by post? 
You can apply online for a postal vote.

You can also apply by completing a paper application form and posting or emailing it to the Elections Office at the Council.

If you can’t print the form, please contact the Elections Office and we will be happy to send you a copy.

When submitting your application, you will be asked to provide a signature. Please bear in mind that this signature will be compared with the signature you provide when returning a postal vote. If they don’t match, the postal vote will be rejected. Consequently it is important to make sure that you can provide a consistent signature.

3. I’m unable to provide a consistent signature. Will this prevent me from having a postal vote?
If you cannot provide a consistent signature, you can request a signature waiver. With a signature waiver, you would not have to provide a signature as part of your application or on your postal voting statement when returning a postal vote.

Please contact the Elections Office if would like to vote by post but are unable to provide a consistent signature.

4. For how long does a postal vote last?
You can apply to vote by post:
•    for a single election;
•    for a set period of time; or
•    for a maximum period of up to three years.

The maximum period is calculated as the third 31 January after the approval of your postal voting application. Consequently if your postal voting application were approved on 1 April 2026, the maximum period would be up to 31 January 2029.

If you wanted your postal vote to continue beyond the maximum period, you would need to submit another application. We would send you a reminder when the expiry date was approaching.

5. What should I do if I move house or change my name?
Please refer to the relevant questions on the Registering to vote webpage.

6. Does the postal ballot pack have to be sent to my home address?
No. You can specify the address to which your postal ballot pack should be sent as part of your application.

Please note, however, that any address you give will be used for the duration of your postal voting arrangement (unless you advise us otherwise). Consequently, if you intend to provide a holiday address, it would be better to submit a postal voting application for a single election rather than for the maximum period of up to three years.

7. Do I need photo ID to vote by post?

8. If I want to get a postal vote in time for a forthcoming election, what is the deadline for submitting an application? 
In order to take effect for a forthcoming election, applications for a postal vote must be received by 5pm eleven working days before the date of that election.

9. When are postal voting packs usually issued?
Postal voting packs are usually sent out around 10 working days before the date of an election.

10. What should I do if my postal vote doesn’t arrive or I’ve spoilt it?
A replacement postal voting pack can be provided up until 5pm on polling day. 

You will need to show proof of identity if you are collecting your replacement postal vote from us in person (rather than us sending it to you by post). 

Please contact the Elections Office to discuss.

11. What is the deadline for returning my postal vote?
Postal votes have to be received by us (either through the post or by hand delivery) by the close of poll at 10pm on polling day. If we receive your postal vote after that time, your vote will not be counted. 

12. Can I hand deliver my postal vote to the council offices or to the polling station?
You can hand deliver your postal vote:
•    to the Council reception desks at the Library and at Carn Gwaval in the lead up to an election; or
•    to the polling station on polling day.

From 2 May 2024, new rules have come into place regarding the returning of postal votes by hand. Henceforth: 
•    voters will need to complete a form whenever they hand deliver a postal vote; and
•    voters will only be able to hand deliver their own postal vote and up to five others.

When hand delivering a postal vote, you will be asked by the reception staff or polling station staff to complete the necessary form. If you leave your postal vote without completing the form, your postal vote will be rejected.

13. If I have a postal vote, can I still vote in person at the polling station if I want to?
No. If you have a postal vote, you cannot be given another ballot paper at the polling station. 

But you can hand deliver your postal vote to the polling station provided that you fill out the necessary form. Please see the question above.

If you wanted to vote in person at the polling station, you would need to cancel your postal vote.

14. How do I change or cancel my postal vote?
Please contact the Elections Office if you would like to change or cancel your postal vote.

If you want to change or cancel your postal vote in time for a forthcoming election, the deadline for doing so is 5pm eleven working days before the date of that election.

Elections Office
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Town Hall
St Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0LW
T: 01720 424545