Electoral registration officers are required by law to keep two versions of the register – the full electoral register and the open register.
Full electoral register
The full electoral register includes the name and address of everyone who is registered to vote (except those who register to vote anonymously). This is the version we use for electoral purposes.
The full electoral register is also used:
• by credit reference agencies for checking credit applications; and
• by candidates and political parties for campaigning activities.
The full electoral register is open to public inspection by appointment at the Old Wesleyan Chapel. It can only be viewed under supervision. Please contact Electoral Services at the details below if you would like to arrange an appointment.
Open register
The open register is an extract of the full electoral register but it is not used for electoral purposes. This version can be purchased by anybody who wants to buy it.
Your name and address details will be included in the open register unless you ask for them not to be. Opting out of the open register does not affect your right to vote.
You can opt out of the open register when you register to vote. If you are already registered to vote and want to opt out, please contact Electoral Services at the details below.
A copy of the open register is available for inspection by appointment at the Old Wesleyan Chapel. Please contact Electoral Services at the details below if you would like to arrange an appointment.
You can contact Electoral Services on 01720 424543 or at elections@scilly.gov.uk.